Friday, March 11, 2022

Gone Anal & I Like It (Schedules and Routines)

Yep, I thought the title may catch you off guard but it's true. I've gone anal and I like it. 

Schedules and Routines 
    I was never a fan of schedules and routines but after the pandemic I really gained appreciation for them. We were all thrown off track and I suddenly realized how much they hold us together. Working from home I realized that they're essential for both physical and mental health. I have also come to the realization that whatever it is that you want to accomplish, it must be intentionally incorporated into your daily routine and consistently followed. This is especially true to establish new habits such as incorporating fitness into your lifestyle or engaging in creative endeavors outside of work and family. 

    We all have things that we want to do like read books, draw, write poetry, or learn a new language but without creating a routine time for our wants, it's not likely going to happen. I always enjoy having a book to read but once the day gets started, it's really difficult to find the time to sit down and enjoy a book when there are so many other things that need to be done. So, I incorporated reading into my everyday routine. I wake up early enough to make myself a cup of coffee and read or meditate at least 15 minutes every morning in the winter and in the summer I also take the time to walk my dogs. I incorporate these things into my everyday life so that they have a special time and space in my day to get done. I now have the satisfaction of reading a book and getting some exercise or some quiet time, meditating. 

    Schedules and routines can help you accomplish your goals but they can also help ensure that you have time set to recharge and do those things that make your life whole. As a society, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be productive and successful but productivity and success don't always lead to happiness. Happiness is manifested from experiencing something that brings you joy like a long walk on a beautiful day or spending hours with a friend. I know many people who don't know how to relax but maybe scheduling that relaxing time will make you relax on a regular basis. 

    Schedules and routines help us stay in the moment and compartmentalize. Compartmentalizing is something I learned is very important to me during the pandemic, when I had to work from home. At first, I thought it would be amazing to work from home until I realized that working from home meant that I could not retreat to my home, which is my sanctuary. I found myself doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen in between meetings. So, there is a right way and wrong way to work from home! Find a good space that is just for work and keep home and work separated- compartmentalize!

    Schedules and routines can also help us through those hard times such as deaths in the family or divorces. When major things in your life change- a schedule or routine can be comforting which can keep you both mentally and physically healthy. Those may also be times to incorporate more self-care into your routine such as regularly scheduled massages, lunch dates with friends or taking a class about something you've always wanted to learn. 

    I really want to communicate that it is crucial that you schedule time for your yourself or it may never happen. If someone asks what you're doing- you have an appointment with yourself. For a while, I was going to yoga every Sunday at noon and them I would come home, clean, organize and fold laundry while Netflixing. It was such a relaxing and productive way to spend a Sunday in preparation for the week. Friends would ask me out for a lunch date and I would tell them I have plans on Sundays but I was free on Saturdays. 

    The freedom of a schedule is that it also eliminates the stress of constantly having to make choices. I learned this on my weekend retreats with the Albuquerque Zen Center. On these retreats, you wake up when the sun rises and go to bed when it gets dark. Your meals are prepared without anyone asking you what time or what you would like to eat, you just eat when it's time to eat, wake up when the sun rises and go to bed when it gets dark. All the little decisions that you make in life are draining your energy and a solid routine and schedule can help eliminate some of this drainage. You can use your energy to help you get what you want out of life. 

A great book to read to help you develop better habits is Atomic Habits by James Clear