Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Build Yourself

Build yourself to be so strong, that you can...

Be okay during the rain, the pain, the dark times

But also so ...

That you can live a life that you love 


Share it with the people that deserve you

Build yourself to be so strong ... 

That you can be kind without sacrificing your boundaries

Walk away from the wrong people without the fear of being alone

That you listen to your inner voice

That you use your voice

Build yourself by ...

Strengthening your body- this will teach you discipline and routine

Spending time alone so that you become comfortable with yourself

Immersing yourself in nature- this will show you peace and bring clarity to your inner voice

Constantly working and achieving something -this will build your self-confidence

Going somewhere new often so you can expand your mind through experience

Build your self by ... 

Surrounding yourself with people who support you 

The people you spend time with will impact every aspect of your life

They will either hold you back or lift you up when you are trying to grow

Not everyone wants to see you shine 

It's important to know that the more you shine- the more shadows you will cast.

The partner you choose in this life will be your biggest investment 

Choose someone who wants to grow in the directions that you do

Be willing to change paths- at any stage or any age


Invest in yourself- Your mind, body, spirit, your space

Invest in others

Invest your money

You will always reap more than you sow

Build Yourself

Build Yourself so that you can live a life you truly love. 

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